Associate Spotlight: Dandenia Savino

Division: PDI Corporate. Department: Quality Assurance. July 18, 2022

Learn more about Dandenia Savino, Advanced QA Engineer Lead, and her experience as part of the Quality Assurance team.

Q. Can you tell us a little about your role at PDI?

Savino: In my role as an Advanced QA Engineer Lead for Corporate Quality, I provide quality and compliance guidance as part of new product development and enhancements to existing product lines.  In any given day you will find me connecting the relationships between projects, learnings, and regulations to complete document reviews, quality strategies and several continuous improvement processes.

Q. What does “Be the Difference” mean to you?

Savino: I believe I am the difference by giving my all each day to my responsibilities at work, home and the community with gumption.  Being the difference is using your abilities effectively to help those in need.

Q. What new skills have you learned while working at PDI? How have you developed personally and professionally?

Savino: My background prior to PDI is in the manufacture of marketed  drugs and medical devices.   PDI has opened my skill set to new product development and the EPA arena while building on continuous quality improvement.   Associates at PDI come from many industries and experiences which gives me the opportunity to learn from them every day.

Q. Are there any unique / exciting projects you have been able to work on while at PDI?

Savino: From a QA role it was very rewarding to be a part of the Sani24 project team.  Through this project I worked with novel raw material, new technology, key external parties and most PDI functional departments.  I appreciate smart products and processes that make life easier.  A product that continuously disinfects for 24hours is just that!  As part of the WEN Community Activity team it has been exciting to work with other members of PDI in planning this years and long term Community events.

Q. Do you have any interesting hobbies or fun facts you could share? (personal or work related)  

Savino: Professionally,  I have worked as an Operating Room nurse in the past.  An unforgettable experience which has contributed to my QA profession.  Personally, I love to garden.   Gardening gives me the opportunity to be outdoors, feel the sun, exercise, appreciate the earth, accept failure, learn from my mistakes and enjoy success.

Q. How long have you been with PDI and why have you decided to stay with the company?

Savino: It will be 4 years this October.  I am engaged with the work I do and I have the support of my team. There is also opportunities for professional growth and there are many wonderful associates to learn from.  Lastly, I believe in PDI’s product and purpose.  It is simple.  Saving and improving lives by keeping it clean.

Q. How has the company evolved since you joined?

Savino: Since joining, PDI has improved the quality foundation by converting several manual processes to Master Control, strengthened compliance by updating the foundation with best practices and external feedback while raising the bar in parallel.  In addition, PDI has flexed and continued to show employee support with changing times through new bonus structures and associate engagement programs (i.e. employee engagement survey, WEN employee resource group, Be the Difference Day, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).